Dec 6, 2008

What I learnt this semester (outside the class)

One of the most celebrated professors of this semester said this, “It’s ok if you don’t learnt anything from my module, but just remember what I said about this thing (Edgeworth box). Not like students learn a lot from modules to begin with.” I agree with him. Thus, I am writing an entry about what I have learnt from this semester that is outside the classroom.

1)Honours year is not about knowledge, but about bonding with your peers that will land great jobs, and help you have a great network in the future. I know amazing people from my honours class, and I believe, that will be great people some day. Maybe not Nobel Prize great, but great in their own right.

2) Relationships with humans are fragile. Extremely. Humans are complex beings that have expectations, thoughts and feelings.

3) I am far from being a nice guy. Of course I am still flawed. There are definitely many things that I need to improve myself on. The most immediate one, my thoughts.

4) Many things in life are not really that important. They include the CAP. Too much emphasis is placed on things that actually do not really bring much meaning to life. Or I should say, many times, we forget that it is us that give meanings to things or events.

5) Being more direct, studies aren’t everything, but for half my life, it has been. That is by itself a very unfortunate statement.

What I hope to do in the immediate future? Experience life to its fullest, beyond studies, beyond what I usually see as my life. Taking life to its unusual, and putting less emphasis on most things, as well seeing things in less serious modes. Most importantly, I realized, I should be more careful with my speech. Need to bath, my Japanese friends are coming soon.

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