Dec 20, 2008

1 step at a time

Telling myself to take things 1 step at a time, tackle those problems that I can tackle 1 at a time, and those that I can't, leave them. I am just accumulating too many problems in my head, thinking that my life is like crap. Yet, I fail again to count my blessing.

I did an entry once of that nature, listing some of the good things I have in my life out. This time, I wouldn't, but I will remind myself through typing here that my life is not just as such. Definitely going through a rough patch of my life, which coincides with the A-Bit-Less-Great-Depression we are facing right now. Ironically, many out there should be suffering worse fates than me because of the ABLGD, so ya, all the more I am to remember that I have a abundant life.

Clear things 1 at a time... I have to remember that =)

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