When a group of strangers from all over the world have a summer school program together for 6 weeks, interesting group dynamisms can occur. This is a ideal setting for someone that likes to look at human group/herd behaviour from an economic point of view.
How does group position create utility? Is loner-ship optimal? What gel cliches closer & separate them from others? How does social norms, place of birth & even residence positions in Fukuoka(initial endownment of values) affect group choice & placements? How does the compression of t < infinite (short 6 weeks interaction) lead to different social orders & disorders that are different from time selection towards infinity or the procastination towards `tomorrow`?
Many questions, few answers. I will not do any research or study here in ATW, because that was not my aim. Nonetheless, other than comical postings of my fun in Japan, academic endeavours will leave me not. As I choose my activities to pursue, what to do and who to do them with, utility curves, cost-benefit analysis and tipping point theories shadily form in my head. A simple `wooing a Japanese girl or not` can be reduced to formulas, equations and models with relevant assumptions, taken in context. Maybe I am really posioned, by the invisible hands of Adam Smith and John Nash`s equilibriums.
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