Jul 8, 2008

What a week in Japan

I cant type fast right not, because I am using a Japanese based computer right now, and the buttons are a bit different. Everything on this computer is in Japanese also, so I am using what I can and feeling my way around

I have to really thank the Kyushu University admin staff, especially Yoshie sensei for helping me with my Internet/Laptop troubles, as well as the admin guy that manages my dorm. I hope by the end of my summer program, I can communicate better with them in Japanese.

Too many things to say now, because there are so many things that I have done in the past week. Sorry to all the friends that I have been `ignoring`, because I have not really been able to get clear internet access, so when I get it, i restrict it to rather serious emails or family well wishes. Tonight isn`t the best night either, because tomorrow I have a test. On the whole, I am happy to be in Japan, even though back in Singapore, I have things that I am attached to as well =)

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